Tuesday, 14 December 2010
We're Back!!
Well its been a very very long time since i last blogged, but I'm back now and ready to get you updated.
Bloom and Berry will be travelling to the far reaches of....WADEBRIDGE!! We are attending a random fair on the 22nd in the town hall, so come along for our little stocking fillers and Christmas accessories.
I have been locked away threading endless beads, twisting endless wire, and have made over £200 worth of rings. (Iv'e been using silver wire as it means I can sell them for more money!) Hopefully these will be a success at the fair, and any that are not sold will be sent to Essex, (a friend has family selling them up North and they want 20 more!), where they apparently are a huge hit.
Our stall at the fair is going to be tres tres boootiful. Think sparkles mixed with Victorian tea party, and voila! you have us!! If you can't make it then we will definitely have pictures for you!
Well that's nearly it from me, all that's left to do for now is thank our lovely followers. Please tell your friends and family about us, and look out for our next post.
Bloom x x x
Thursday, 14 October 2010
Mini Hiatus and Fearless News
Unfortunately it's been pretty hectic on my end; I haven't been able to keep you all updated with the things we've been doing! We've been a bit lazy, I'm afraid - we've recived some offers to attend some crafts stalls (if you visit the Wadebridge Town Hall on the 22md December, you might see us there) and have been sending off another batch of stock to Fearless, but haven't had much opportunty to blog about it! Luckily, Bloom and my favourite ho9liday is fast approaching... Halloween!
Bloom and I both love our fair share of blood-n-guts (zombie contigency plans and Dia de los Muertos recipes are our forte) and I for one am relishing the chance to make lots of Halloween-related goodies. I'm looking forward to making another Cut Out + Keep how-to on polymer clay skulls- yes, the collection is tiny because I am very, very lazy - and making lots of spooky crafts!
I'm also going to be dressing up as a sugar skeleton for Halloween and might make a tutorial for that, too. ;)
Also, our new MiniMoo cards are arriving soon and we'll be reviewing them when they arrive!
So for now, have a spooky week!
Friday, 3 September 2010
Craft Fair
Saturday, 14 August 2010

Hello everyone,
Monday, 26 July 2010
What you can look forward to
Tuesday, 20 July 2010
Where to Find us

Business Cards and Fearless News!

Tuesday, 13 July 2010
See Flowery Hairpins! and 1000's of others - or share your own on Cut Out + Keep
Friday, 9 July 2010
New layout, again!
Sunday, 4 July 2010
Exciting News and More pictures!
And here are some more 'shoot'-style ring photos... With our gorgeous new model ;)
Annnd, now for the exciting new news...
I'm getting my products in a bona fide store!
Yes, that's right! On a trip to Port Isaac today, I went into Fearless.
I'm talking to the owner and bringing samples of my stock down (which I need to feverishly bake to supplement: I've sold most of it! D:) and they're going to sell it through Sale or Return, or 'consignment'.
It's going to be a great opportunity to make contacts (the lady there runs a stall at Glastonbury and has Makers every year; I just missed out!) great for convenience, so less publicity making for a while, and great for getting my products out there!
I also love Fearless because of its funky atmosphere and products anyway, and it's one of my favourite shops in Cornwall. Having my stuff there on display will definitely make it better!
Here's the outside of their shop in Port Isaac (they also have a shop in Wadebridge);
Berry xoxo
Saturday, 3 July 2010
Rings Galore!!
I have just recently been at a festival and managed to combine business with pleasure. I made 10 rings out of recycled beads and wire that I managed to 'aquire', that Berry may have mentioned earlier. Pictures soon!
They went down a treat.
I sent my little brother off to sell them for, and after he used his boyish charms on a kindly stall holder, made a great business connection.
It was amazing.
Until next time,
x x x
Tuesday, 29 June 2010
Another large project and photoshoot pictures
Speaking of which, I've finally got round to doing some display pictures of our rings. What do you think?
And yesterday was my friend's birthday. I reconned a silver necklace (which was adjustable, a bonus!) and added some charms of my own.
And last but not least on the news front...
My limited edition all-white Converses are winged their way toward me! I'm planning to decorate them in a similar fashion to my brother's Birthday Converse though hopefully a little better as that was my first attempt at it.
Bye for now!
Bery xoxo
Thursday, 24 June 2010
Skulls, bows, and bloomers

Sunday, 20 June 2010
Skully tee!

Friday, 18 June 2010
Another Quick update...

Thursday, 17 June 2010
Finally, an up-to-date Craft!

Friday, 11 June 2010
Moar Old-ish crafts!
Tuesday, 8 June 2010
Hi Guys =]
I'm currently studying art and textiles at GCSE level and I hope to go on to do fine art at A level. My favourite things are music, drawing and clothes. I love dresses and quirky things...like X-box rings! I love my friends, family and my cat Tiger.
So, what will you be seeing from me?... Well, I do a lot of fabric printing so I'll be printing reams of quirky patterned fabrics.
I'm also undergoing practice in making wire and bead rings. They are very elegant and eventually I hope to branch out to necklaces, bracelets, etc.
For my GCSE textiles project I'm currently assembling large wire butterfly structures with a variety of patterned and textured wings. Once I have fully got my head around how to make them perfectly then smaller versions will be coming your way!
I'll let you know of any other projects that I begin and will put up pictures as I go along!
Thankyou so much for all the support.
Lots of Love
Bloom <3>
Hello, Again! Sadly no photos....
First off, Bloom is going to start contributing to this blog more regularly. To solve any confusion, we'll both be signing our posts from now on. This, unfortunately, means that I can't keep any craft-presents a secret on here...
So for the moment, I can't post Part 2 of awesome crafts for Bloom. :(
Secondly, we're also going to be looking into our first 'bulk' and proper photoshoot, showcasing all of our recent crafty makes.
We have so many ideas, but even those we finish take a looong time to make it to the public eye! >_<
Sunday, 23 May 2010
General Store and Prototype rings of Fail
Thursday, 20 May 2010
Slightly less old (but still outdated) polymer clay goodiesingsome