Tuesday, 20 July 2010

Business Cards and Fearless News!

Hello, all!

I went down to Fearless yesterday, to show the shop owner examples of my stock.. And she took it all! She also gave me some nice 'secret' hints and tips, which I can use to create better work for everyone! I'm hoping that the lovely people of Port Isaac like my stuff and lap it up, haha.

Visiting Port Isaac? See if you can spot some lovely polymer clay things on the front desk-thing. :D
I'll be uploading some photos of things I sent down, as most of it was new and made for the occasion, and these pictures are much better quality, haha.

The second item of 'news' is that we're getting business cards, hopefully! I've decided to go with Mini Moo cards by Moo for their low minimums and unique card shape. I'll hopefully publish a review when they arrive!

But for now, here is a preview of our main design (and some alternate colourways)...

I hope you like them!

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From, Berry!

1 comment:

  1. ohhhh i like the card!! :D

    wheres port isaac? i feel stupid ^-^
