Sunday, 4 July 2010

Exciting News and More pictures!

Hello again, everyone!
As you may have seen, in our last post we had invisible pictures. Not too cool, eh? Well, it seems that a bug has spirited them away, and since I don't have back-up of them, I'll be retaking the photos.

Secondly, here are some more recent pictures... I recently completed another custom order for a friend and also received two awesome packages.. My shrink plastic and my Converse!

I've already used the plastic to make a hair-clip, (below) and brooch (below) and two soon-to-be wing earrings (again, below). I've also started work on the custom Converse and can't wait to show you all the results!

And here are some more 'shoot'-style ring photos... With our gorgeous new model ;)

Annnd, now for the exciting new news...


I'm getting my products in a bona fide store!

Yes, that's right! On a trip to Port Isaac today, I went into Fearless.

I'm talking to the owner and bringing samples of my stock down (which I need to feverishly bake to supplement: I've sold most of it! D:) and they're going to sell it through Sale or Return, or 'consignment'.

It's going to be a great opportunity to make contacts (the lady there runs a stall at Glastonbury and has Makers every year; I just missed out!) great for convenience, so less publicity making for a while, and great for getting my products out there!

I also love Fearless because of its funky atmosphere and products anyway, and it's one of my favourite shops in Cornwall. Having my stuff there on display will definitely make it better!

Here's the outside of their shop in Port Isaac (they also have a shop in Wadebridge);


Berry xoxo

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