Just wanted to say that Bloom's present part2 went very well. Unfortunately I don't have any finished pictures, but here's a snapshot of it as a WIP:
(Robo.to is like to vlogs what Twitter is to blogs, sort of. :3)
Anyway, she loved it lots and I'm so glad to have finished it! It took hours to make.
You'll notice that this is stitched with regular, as opposed to embroider, thread- that's because I was sewing a pixellated image and so had lots of 'pixels' layered on top of each other. Using embroidery thread looked messy.
And on to the actual, recent craft! In fact, I only did this a few hours ago... Making it the shortest time from creation-to-blog here!
Drumroll please!
A few days ago, I went to my county's biggest fair and show of the year, to sing with my choir. It was lots of fun, and between 'concerts' we were allowed off by ourselves. Of course, this meant lots of freebies! I scored- amongst other things- an awesome fake tattoo of a cupcake (spray-on, not transfer) a plain white baseball cap, and a cool '5-a-day fruit' oversized NHS tee.. As well as some cool pens. More on those things later.
One of the most boring but useful things I scored, however, was some promotional lipbalm. It has no 'nasties' in it, but it was packaged in a boring tin and is odorless and colourless. How can I spruce this up? I thought.
And this is where my hoarding habits finally become useful!
A while ago, I found an amazing vintage comic in my secondhand book store for only 50p, or something like that. I immediately took it home and cut up a few pages for future projects, saving the rest (after reading the storyline, of course). It was quite an obscure story which was badly-written and full of sexist images of women, so I don't feel too bad about defacing it. ;)
As it turns out, some of my cut-up pieces are magnetted onto my inspiration board, and I looked up just as I was thinking... And lo, and behold, look what was born!
From plain old freebie items, that any old boring person would have relegated to a manky old washbag- or worse, the dustbin- I have created a funky item that I would be proud to put in my handbag.
I hope that this inspires you to upcycle your own boring things!

Berry xoxo
That is awesome! You really should sell some like that. ^_^
ReplyDeleteI've been in a bit of a gardening mood recently but it needed to be done.
I'm actually in awe of the colours, teehee. I wish they made more comics like that!
ReplyDeleteI'd have to source the lipbalm and find a better way to protect the comic-covering to sell them.. Which would be solved if I bought acrylic spray.
Gardening! I wish I had time... This was mad when I should have been revising >.<