Thursday, 20 May 2010

A New Year, etcetera...

Hello again. It's been a while, right? Over six months.
*twiddles thumbs sheepishly*
I haven't forgone crafting- oh, no. I've been doing lots of it. But I'm a bit lazy, and my 'best' recent creations which I could have used in my portfolio/showcase, I sold without taking pictures of them. Silly me! In fact, I haven't taking pictures of anything I've made recently.
But fear not!
This blog is now going to document the rise (or not) of my crafty business, Bloom and Berry, which I have started with my best friend. We're both art students- she specialises mostly in Textile Art, and I'm just an odd duck- and we thought that turning our hobbies into a business would be a great motivator. Hopefully, the 'business' side of things will indeed get our respective competitive and creative juices flowing, so you can look forward to pictures and crafts of better calibre than below.. I like to think we've improved a tiny bit, too!

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