Friday, 3 September 2010

Craft Fair

Hello, everyone! This is Berry here.

Every summer, I spend around a fortnight at the Isle of Wight- and every year, there's a local fair. Anyone can set up a stall, and indie businesses abound.

This year, I spent the days leading up to the fair beavering away, creating new stock, and set up a stall for Bloom and Berry! Loads of people asked about whether we had a site, how I made my polymer clay items, and lots of other things.

Now, the reason I've been putting this post off it because I haven't got the pictures as of yet- they weren't taken by me and I haven't received them yet.

But I figured I may as well update you all on the goings-on and wait to update this post when the pictures arrive.

So, Lovely photos soon- hopefully!

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