Hello, it's Berry again! Bloom is currently away :( and I can't wait her to come back. She's finished a large batch of wire rings to add to our already growing selection of cute rings.
Speaking of which, I've finally got round to doing some display pictures of our rings. What do you think?
And yesterday was my friend's birthday. I reconned a silver necklace (which was adjustable, a bonus!) and added some charms of my own.
And last but not least on the news front...
My limited edition all-white Converses are winged their way toward me! I'm planning to decorate them in a similar fashion to my brother's Birthday Converse though hopefully a little better as that was my first attempt at it.
Bye for now!
Bery xoxo
Tuesday, 29 June 2010
Thursday, 24 June 2010
Skulls, bows, and bloomers
Hello, everyone!

It's Berry, here. I've been working on a large custom order for a friend's birthday, and so I've been a bit busy. Bloom is, too- although I've seen some of her new work, and it looks awesome! She's made some lovely Roy-Lichenstein style lipbalms to go with my retro comic balm pot, and some lovely wire and bead rings. More info soon!
Here are some of the pieces in the custom order. My friend saw my skull necklace and wanted one of her own, and I was happy to oblige! :3

I've also made a 'ribbon' bow, a rose, a music note, a pear cellphone charm, a cloud charm, and their initial on a clay tile (not shown).
The pictured music note unfortunately broke, and so I made another in blue and reinforced the clay.

And here are my bloomers! I was very proud of making these, and they're just the thing to wear under a lady-pirate costume or to an alice in wonderland tea party!

I've put together an outfit co-ordination to wear them with, too. It's in the 'alice-style' lolita fashion.
Over and out!
Berry xoxo
Sunday, 20 June 2010
Skully tee!
Yesterday, I decided to make a Skully Cut-out Tee... And I loved it!
I'm quite the skull-themed crafter, aren't I? I assure you, I'm not about to start spouting Shakespeare at you!
After a sumptuous beach dinner (or rather, not-so-sumptuous after the small children had stampeded ¬_¬)
I walked home and garnered a few nice comments from old ladies. That's me, the old-lady-cheerer-upper!

Anyway, here it is:

I apologise for the bad photoshoppery, but I like anonymity and my pose sucked. The skull is cut out of the back (to avoid boobage) and so could be worn by itself, if you felt like it.
You could also just sew some different material underneath to save you the trouble of layering tees, but I like the choice. I reckon you'll be seeing more cut-outs from me soon!
(P.S- I wore my skull necklace with this, as well! XD)
Berry xoxo
Hey Guys this is Bloom here...
Woah Berry, I can't wait to start making some great LEGO jewellery!
So what have I been up to recently?
Well, yesterday morning I woke up to find the sun shining. I went to put on some most summery clothing to find...I had 'no shorts!! What could I do?
I took a pair of icky jeans that were far too non-skinny for me, ( I like jeans to be so tight they cut off the circulation to my feet!) took the biggest scissors I could find, and hacked off the bottom to them. No sewing included as the frayed look is soo in right now, and voila!
One pair of super cool, beachy shorts!
This got me thinking....yes the shorts looked great but what could I do to make them even better?
Ever heard of 'Paul's Boutique'? He took average, every day handbags, shoulder bags, purse bags and he glammed them up, big time!
So that's what I'm planning to do. Hack off the legs of my jeans, gather some random stuff that I find...and before you know it you will be finding gorgeous, vintage shorts!
Time to get crafty!
Bloom x x x
Friday, 18 June 2010
Another Quick update...
Woah, the updates are really flowing at the moment. This is what happens when my creative muse (more like creative hyperactive inner child) breaks down the barriers of procrastination and lets the world catch up to my creating speed.

Anyway, here's one of my other pieces which I created on a whim around a month ago. My brother is a LEGO nerd, and although I do love the brick myself, I'm usually more interested in the mini figures.
Tying them to parachutes, creating a Mary Shelley-esque monster from Leia, burglar and storm trooper parts, or making them into jewellery. I've been wearing this ever since I made it on my chain usually reserved for some other charm, which is at the jeweller's.
We're looking into having these available for B+B...
Unlike other mini figure jewellery, no pieces are cut, pierced, glued or drilled in the making of this. Of course, if you wanted to, you could add a body onto a necklace head charm and you'd probably be fine. But we'd make full mini figures differently to the heads.

Any wear on the skull in the photo is due to the constant wear and tear of LEGO play (my head came from a set, but only because it was for my own use) and because I've also worn it for a while.
Berry xoxo
Thursday, 17 June 2010
Finally, an up-to-date Craft!
Hello, it's Berry again.

Just wanted to say that Bloom's present part2 went very well. Unfortunately I don't have any finished pictures, but here's a snapshot of it as a WIP:
(Robo.to is like to vlogs what Twitter is to blogs, sort of. :3)
Anyway, she loved it lots and I'm so glad to have finished it! It took hours to make.
You'll notice that this is stitched with regular, as opposed to embroider, thread- that's because I was sewing a pixellated image and so had lots of 'pixels' layered on top of each other. Using embroidery thread looked messy.
And on to the actual, recent craft! In fact, I only did this a few hours ago... Making it the shortest time from creation-to-blog here!
Drumroll please!
A few days ago, I went to my county's biggest fair and show of the year, to sing with my choir. It was lots of fun, and between 'concerts' we were allowed off by ourselves. Of course, this meant lots of freebies! I scored- amongst other things- an awesome fake tattoo of a cupcake (spray-on, not transfer) a plain white baseball cap, and a cool '5-a-day fruit' oversized NHS tee.. As well as some cool pens. More on those things later.
One of the most boring but useful things I scored, however, was some promotional lipbalm. It has no 'nasties' in it, but it was packaged in a boring tin and is odorless and colourless. How can I spruce this up? I thought.
And this is where my hoarding habits finally become useful!
A while ago, I found an amazing vintage comic in my secondhand book store for only 50p, or something like that. I immediately took it home and cut up a few pages for future projects, saving the rest (after reading the storyline, of course). It was quite an obscure story which was badly-written and full of sexist images of women, so I don't feel too bad about defacing it. ;)
As it turns out, some of my cut-up pieces are magnetted onto my inspiration board, and I looked up just as I was thinking... And lo, and behold, look what was born!
From plain old freebie items, that any old boring person would have relegated to a manky old washbag- or worse, the dustbin- I have created a funky item that I would be proud to put in my handbag.
I hope that this inspires you to upcycle your own boring things!

Berry xoxo
Friday, 11 June 2010
Moar Old-ish crafts!
Hello, everyone! It's Berry here.
Tuesday, 8 June 2010
Hi Guys =]
Well, here I am at last! It's taken a while but I hope it's worth it. I'm Bloom, the other half of Bloom and Berry. First off, I'll tell you a little bit about myself...
I'm currently studying art and textiles at GCSE level and I hope to go on to do fine art at A level. My favourite things are music, drawing and clothes. I love dresses and quirky things...like X-box rings! I love my friends, family and my cat Tiger.
So, what will you be seeing from me?... Well, I do a lot of fabric printing so I'll be printing reams of quirky patterned fabrics.
I'm also undergoing practice in making wire and bead rings. They are very elegant and eventually I hope to branch out to necklaces, bracelets, etc.
For my GCSE textiles project I'm currently assembling large wire butterfly structures with a variety of patterned and textured wings. Once I have fully got my head around how to make them perfectly then smaller versions will be coming your way!
I'm currently studying art and textiles at GCSE level and I hope to go on to do fine art at A level. My favourite things are music, drawing and clothes. I love dresses and quirky things...like X-box rings! I love my friends, family and my cat Tiger.
So, what will you be seeing from me?... Well, I do a lot of fabric printing so I'll be printing reams of quirky patterned fabrics.
I'm also undergoing practice in making wire and bead rings. They are very elegant and eventually I hope to branch out to necklaces, bracelets, etc.
For my GCSE textiles project I'm currently assembling large wire butterfly structures with a variety of patterned and textured wings. Once I have fully got my head around how to make them perfectly then smaller versions will be coming your way!
I'm hoping these especially will become a big hit as I really enjoy creating them! (I LOVE Butterflies =])
I'll let you know of any other projects that I begin and will put up pictures as I go along!
Thankyou so much for all the support.
Lots of Love
Bloom <3>
I'll let you know of any other projects that I begin and will put up pictures as I go along!
Thankyou so much for all the support.
Lots of Love
Bloom <3>
Hello, Again! Sadly no photos....
Hey again! It's Berry, here to announce some changes over here.
First off, Bloom is going to start contributing to this blog more regularly. To solve any confusion, we'll both be signing our posts from now on. This, unfortunately, means that I can't keep any craft-presents a secret on here...
So for the moment, I can't post Part 2 of awesome crafts for Bloom. :(
Secondly, we're also going to be looking into our first 'bulk' and proper photoshoot, showcasing all of our recent crafty makes.
We have so many ideas, but even those we finish take a looong time to make it to the public eye! >_<
First off, Bloom is going to start contributing to this blog more regularly. To solve any confusion, we'll both be signing our posts from now on. This, unfortunately, means that I can't keep any craft-presents a secret on here...
So for the moment, I can't post Part 2 of awesome crafts for Bloom. :(
I will soon, I promise!
Secondly, we're also going to be looking into our first 'bulk' and proper photoshoot, showcasing all of our recent crafty makes.
We have so many ideas, but even those we finish take a looong time to make it to the public eye! >_<
We are also giving you the ability to follow us on facebook or twitter in the near future.
Berry xoxo
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