Thursday, 14 October 2010

Mini Hiatus and Fearless News

Hello, everybody! It's Berry here.
Unfortunately it's been pretty hectic on my end; I haven't been able to keep you all updated with the things we've been doing! We've been a bit lazy, I'm afraid - we've recived some offers to attend some crafts stalls (if you visit the Wadebridge Town Hall on the 22md December, you might see us there) and have been sending off another batch of stock to Fearless, but haven't had much opportunty to blog about it! Luckily, Bloom and my favourite ho9liday is fast approaching... Halloween!
Bloom and I both love our fair share of blood-n-guts (zombie contigency plans and Dia de los Muertos recipes are our forte) and I for one am relishing the chance to make lots of Halloween-related goodies. I'm looking forward to making another Cut Out + Keep how-to on polymer clay skulls- yes, the collection is tiny because I am very, very lazy - and making lots of spooky crafts!
I'm also going to be dressing up as a sugar skeleton for Halloween and might make a tutorial for that, too. ;)
Also, our new MiniMoo cards are arriving soon and we'll be reviewing them when they arrive!
So for now, have a spooky week!